
Countdown to the Show Emails

The "Countdown to the Show" weekly emails are sent starting six weeks before the event and go out to more than 80,000 trucking industry professionals. This includes both past and pre-registered attendees as well as key fleet executives and owner-operators throughout the nation. All we need from you is your company logo and message and we will do the rest!

$2,200 per newsletter

Act fast newsletters are filling up!


Video Wall Sponsor

The video wall is located at the front of the show, where every attendee must enter to get onto the show floor. On the Video wall, you have the ability to display a static ad or a video without sound on the middle panel.


Video Clip Sponsor

1 minute segment- $2,750

30 second segment- $1,500

  • A static ad or a video will display on the large middle screen (the ad will display on the large middle screen (the ad will display approximately 200 times throughout the show)

Video Wall Placement

Entrance Graphics

Have your message displayed as all attendees from the shuttles arrive to the convention center

Graphics are found in between the main entry doors.

$5,000 (includes print and installation)

Graphics are approx 10' long x 5' wide

Two locations available


Interested in these sponsorships or any others we have available? Give our team a call at 205-888-349-4237